18 June 2010

Happy Anniversary to me!

Today marks 8 years in the United States Air Force for me. I can't believe that I've made it to this milestone in my career and I can still remember every thought, feeling and emotion that was going through me as I stepped foot off that bus in San Antonio. Part of me actually wishes that I didn't wait 9 months to leave for basic training, but the overwhelming majority wouldn't have it any other way.

I've traveled to countries I never thought I'd visit, became a mom (and of course have another one on the way), deployed multiple times, made great friends, met the love of my life, learned life lessons, won some, lost some, and still have a lot left ahead of me. I haven't been in long enough to really be considered an old timer, but I'm no longer a newb that can get away with not knowing better. I am proud to be serving in the military and still wear my uniform (even though at the moment it feels like a tent) with pride each and every day.

Thank you, Air Force for everything that you've shown me and every opportunity that you've given me. Only my fellow brothers and sisters at arms (past and present) can understand what it's like to serve our country and only they can relate to all of the hardships and great times that you have brought me. I am still uncertain of my future with you, but I know that I can say that while I'm still in an "active" relationship with you, I will continue to give my all and serve proudly.


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